Is your hair looking thin or flat? One of the things that can be done to give it more dimension and to make it look healthier and fuller is adding hair contouring. Hair contouring is a technique that combines highlighting and lowlighting to shadow target areas and bring others forward. Helpfully, hair contouring also helps define the shape of your face, taking away attention from areas you may not want to be highlighted and bringing attention to areas you do.
How Does Hair Contouring Work?
Hair contouring works similarly to makeup contouring, except you're focusing on making the hair lighter or darker to change the shape of the face, neck, and head. The correct positioning of color, tones, highlights, and lowlights create depth and definition around the face. This is done by using medium-to-high contrasting shades, which give your hair a beautiful "pop," while also creating an illusion of depth.
Hair Contouring Is For Every Face Shape
The great thing about hair contouring is that it is able to be used with every face shape.
If you're ready for an updated hairstyle, we can help you get it at M Salon.
Schedule with us today to talk about hair contouring and to help get the depth and dimension you want out of your hair color.