With the New Year comes New Year’s resolutions. Some are easier to keep than others, but there are a few that you and your hair will appreciate you keeping.
Less Heat: Excess heat causes damage to hair follicles in a few ways. It removes moisture, stripping your hair of its natural oils, and overall causes the hair to become weaker and potentially break off. Heat damaged hair has a dull, dry, and frizzy appearance to it. Products like leave-in conditioners keep your hair and scalp moisturized, but the best defense is to minimize your hair’s exposure to direct heat.
Commit to a Routine:
Having a routine will help improve the overall health of your hair. Knowing what products and how often you should use them is one of the first steps to long-lasting healthy hair. Find what moisturizers, shampoos, conditioners, and anything else works best for your hairstyle, texture, and pattern. The sooner you get your routine in contact, the faster you’ll see results and wave goodbye to the “bad hair day.”
Get Regular Trims:
It may sound off, but getting regular trims can help promote hair growth. Broken and split ends damage and cause your hair to appear shorter and thinner. Every trim doesn’t have to be a big chop, but an inch or two can do wonders.
Eat Healthier:
Your body as a whole works together as a system, and that includes your hair. Eating the right foods and drinking plenty of water gives your hair the nutrients it needs. Lean meats, eggs, and soy products are excellent sources of protein material that your hair is made out of. Most proteins also have minerals like iron and zinc, but you can also get those through a multivitamin.
Be Happy and Accept your Hair:
Your hair is another way of expressing who you are, but it doesn’t define you. Of course, there’s always room for improvement, but don’t let that take away from your happiness. Be happy with what’s on your head, and everything else will fall into place.